Experience In-Person and Online Summer Camps at GIGIL! Since 2018 GIGIL has been serving the Long Beach community by offering a safe and clean environment for parents and children. Our Summer camps include drop off programs for STEM and Yoga camps as well as a Virtual + Live STEM Summer Camp! All of our camps are offered for students in TK – 8th grade. We break down the age groups as: TK – 1st Grade; 2nd – 5th Grade; 6th – 8th Grade.

Our Virtual + Live Summer Camps are an at-home learning experience that allows students to still be able to communicate with their teacher and peers in real time. These camps will be hosted via Zoom and students will receive a STEM kit in the mail prior to the camp starting that will include all of the materials they’ll need to complete their learning experience at home. Each kit will include supplemental learning guides as well as supplies to conduct STEM experiments at home during the virtual camp. This Virtual STEM camp is a great solution for distance learning!

GIGIL’s in-person STEM Camp gives students a hands-on approach to learning. Each week will lend a new theme for the students. Students should expect to learn at least two new STEM concepts per day, with fun STEM experiments and activities to go along with each lesson. All materials are included with the registration price.

GIGIL’s in-person Yoga Camp lends an opportunity for students to expand their yoga practice in a fun way. Our Yoga Camp is about movement, breath, and mindfulness. Our Yoga instructors will incorporate music, science, and other activities to demonstrate how the practice of yoga can be incorporated into our daily routines. Yoga mats will be provided during camp sessions for each student.

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In response to COVID-19, during our drop off summer camp programs we will practice the following safety measures:

1. PHYSICAL DISTANCING: Each students’ workstation (or yoga mat for yoga camp) will be at least 6’ apart. We will ask that parents also practice distancing during pick up and drop off.

2. MASKS: Students are encouraged to wear masks during STEM camp (not during yoga practices). If a student gets up to leave their work area (ex. to use the restroom or leave for the day) they will be asked to put on their mask. Parents will be required to wear masks during pick up/ drop off.

3. SMALL GROUPS: We will limit the number of students to small groups. There will be no other classes or services open to the public during this time to limit the number of people in the building at one time.

4. BREAKS: During break times students will be able to get up and wiggle around their workstations, and our teachers will be incorporating movement throughout the day as well. We understand how important it is for students, especially the younger ones, to be able to move around. For restroom breaks, there will be markers on the floor in our hallway to indicate where students should stand if in line for the bathroom. We only have 1 bathroom stall, so there will be no need for more than 1 student in at a time.

5. CLEANING: GIGIL is already known for its cleanliness. However, we will take it a step further and wipe down and sanitize all surfaces multiple times per day. This will include workstations, chairs, mats, the floors, doors, the restroom, cubbies, and anything else students may come in to contact with.

6. SUPPLIES: Each student will have their own set of supplies, no need for sharing!

7. HAND SANITIZER: Students will be offered hand sanitizer at the beginning, during breaks, and at the end of the camp session.

At GIGIL, we are all about our community and getting to know the students and families that walk through our doors. Everyone is welcome here! We understand that being a parent is hard, and being a kid is hard too! We all have our good days and our bad days, but at the end of the day, we’re all human. At GIGIL, we practice humanKINDness!

We hope you’ll join us for a fun Summer!

Contact: GIGIL

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