Camp Rockfish | where fun is experienced, faith is developed, and friendships are created

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In many ways, the phrase, “Play with a purpose,” describes a great deal of what we do at Camp Rockfish, especially when it comes to our summer programming. Continue reading “Camp Rockfish | where fun is experienced, faith is developed, and friendships are created”

Rising Tree Tops | Inspiring confidence & joy in those with special needs

Camp Oakhurst kids

Rising Treetops at Oakhurst is open all year, serving children and adults with special needs through our summer sleep-away camp, year-round overnight respite (planned and emergency) and day respite care programs. Continue reading “Rising Tree Tops | Inspiring confidence & joy in those with special needs”

Nike Sports Camps at Rising Star Sports Ranch Resort

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Every year, thousands of parents across the country scramble to find ways to keep their children occupied during summer break in a meaningful way.  Booking vacations, visits to relatives, and planning extracurricular activities can challenge even the most organized.  Families with young athletes especially struggle to identify the right sports camps. The solution comes down to a combination of location, quality of instruction and value. Continue reading “Nike Sports Camps at Rising Star Sports Ranch Resort”