Imagine a summer experience with 60 different themed camps, engaging kids in STEM and STEAM experiments and projects.
Our highly trained counselors at Club SciKidz will immerse young STEMists in weekly adventures including Veterinary Medicine, Coding, Robotics, Minecraft, Food Truck Culinary Science, Drone Technology, Young Surgeon, Rocketry, Chemistry, Crime Scene Investigation,
and Special Effects. Brand new this summer are Club SciKidz’ STEAM camps. We combine art and science with the following offerings: American Girl, Harry Potter, The Great Masters, Marvel Stop Motion Animation and Manga Maker.
Age Ranges:
- 3-5 years old
- 6-10 years old
- 11-14 years old
- 15 and older
Camp Features:
- Before-Care Available
- After-Care Available
Contact: Club Scikidz
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