St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

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St. Stephen’s Summer Camps offer many adventures for young campers of all ages in Austin, Texas.  Our campus creates a beautiful backdrop for sports camps such as Soccer, Baseball, Football, Tennis, Basketball, Fencing and much more.

Find the best summer camps for your children at

We also offer Fine Arts and Enrichment Camps, including Photography, Creative Writing, Myth Hero Camp, Phenom Quest Scavenger Hunt Camp, Rock Ensemble and so many more.

children playing soccer at summer campIf Science is your passion, St. Stephen’s Summer Camps aims to please.  Join us for Semi-Autonomous Spiderbots Camp or Toy Hacking, Electronics and Arduino.

The possibilities are endless at St. Stephen’s Summer Camps.  Our primary goal is to provide a happy and safe environment for kids to learn and experience new adventures. 

children learning robotics at summer campOur camps are led by highly trained teachers and coaches who work together to provide a fun and memorable time. Most camps include daily swimming and lunch.   

Contact: St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Read Now: Sacramento State Aquatic Centre

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