Camp Clio at Camp Jewell: Where Adopted Kids Thrive

Summer camp holds a special magic, and for adopted children, Camp Clio at Camp Jewell YMCA offers an even deeper experience. This unique program, held in Colebrook, Connecticut, is designed specifically for adopted children between the ages of 9 and 15.

A Safe Haven for Adopted Children

Camp Clio creates a haven where campers can connect with others who share similar experiences. Through supportive discussions and activities led by experienced counselors, many of whom are also adopted, children explore their unique identities and build lifelong friendships.

Fun and Exploration at Camp Jewell YMCA

Beyond adoption-focused programming, campers enjoy all the classic summer camp activities offered at Camp Jewell YMCA. From swimming and canoeing to archery and campfires, every day is an adventure.

A Partnership for Growth

Camp Clio partners with the Center for Adoption Support and Education (CASE) to provide expert-led discussions and resources on adoption-related topics. This collaboration ensures that campers receive the guidance and support they need to thrive.

Why Choose Camp Clio?

For adopted children seeking a summer camp that understands their unique needs and celebrates their individuality, Camp Clio is the perfect choice. It’s a place where they can build lasting friendships, explore their adoption stories, and create cherished memories in a safe and supportive environment.