The Highwood Theatre

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The Theatre Theatre’s Art Squared summer camp is an engaging, educational, and fun arts experience for rising K – 7th graders.

This beloved Silver Spring camp explores applications of the arts in the modern world – how do we use art in the 21st century?
The Highwood Theatre
Led by a team of talented, cutting-edge artists, this camp allows students to problem-solve, experience new and unique art forms, and explore through guided play and question-based learning.

Includes hands-on classes in 3D printing, digital music, photography, improv, upcycling art, TheatreFIT, and more! One week sessions beginning June 24. Camp runs from 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM Monday through Friday.

AM and PM are available. Interested in productions, Tech Crew, or other summer opportunities for K – 12th graders?

Contact: Highwood Theatre

Read Now: Camp Starfish

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