Frank Family Karate Plus

Frank Family Karate Plus opened in 2009 with the purpose of sharing our family’s love of the martial arts with our community.

Little did we know that we would have to move 3 times in 10 years just to keep up with our growth!  We’re so proud to share our experience in martial arts with Middletown, Odessa, and Townsend.  And we can’t wait to share it with you, too!

Our family has been training together for over 16 years!  We’ve trained extensively in the martial arts and found that training together was an incredible experience for all of us. 

We didn’t just grow individually, training together strengthened our bond as a family.  That’s why we decided to structure our classes around rank instead of age.  Your entire family can train together, and grow together, just like we did!

The great thing about our style of training is that as we solidify our sense of community, we also offer personal benefits. You’ll get a great workout, strengthen your self-control, and walk away with heightened confidence after only a few classes.  With all of these benefits in martial arts, what are you waiting for?

Contact: Frank Family

Read Now: Oasis Day Camp

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